day off agenda: windows open. doggies outside. lunch date. pandora on the speakers. tree planting. lafortune. online ikea. garden tending. dinner on a patio.
man oh man, do i ever love what we got monday. i have been trying to discover myself as a photographer and i think i am about there. and these are the first ones i am editing in lightroom and photoshop {yay!}. on the mac they look amazing however i was looking on my coworker's pc yesterday and they looked completely washed-out! boo. sooo, this means that most people are seeing them as an over-exposed mess. i think i will have to print some off and see. {i now have a photo printing company! hooray!}
is it weird, or maybe, am i weird that i am overly excited for the new harry potter dvd coming out next week? even more, is it okay that seeing the next movie's trailer made me a little teary? maybe not.
i am being teased about the purchase of 2 more cardigans this week. a girl {or boy for that matter} can never have too many though. i wear them with almost EVERYTHING. tees, dresses, tanks, dressy tops, and even on the 2 days i have to wear scrub bottoms to work. example: today i am wearing a {pinkish} purple dress, capri leggings, {mustard} yellow sandals and a black cardigan.
oh, and i have to report the shellac manicure is still perfectly intact. i have NEVER had a manicure last more than 4 days before chipping. hope this isn't toxic because i am going for another one sunday.
okay, enough rambling. here are a few from monday. more to come once i figure out this editing.
"and through the leaves and concrete you're gonna grow into something death can't steal"