randoms {& more questions answered}
1. i very much enjoy walking barefoot in the grass.
2. i am learning how to sew. my goal: a quilt. give me time.
3. i love the smell of tomato plants on my hands.
4. i love the smell of cilantro.
5. i am getting a lot of resistance about adopting a puppy or rescue. i want to name her olive. *sigh*
6. i also might like a kitten.
7. my dreams grow everyday.
8. i believe in everlasting love.
9. musical talent is so very sexy.
10. fireflies.
11. i want to live in the country someday. with a very large front porch. and chickens.
12. i use mason jars for everything.
13. running in the rain = glorious.
14. i can spend hours on b&h.
15. i'm thinking my next lens may be a 35mm.
16. i am not a fan of selective coloring.
16. i am not a fan of selective coloring.
17. miso soup = so tasty.
18. i hate witnessing someone make an enormous, life-altering mistake. especially when they are too stubborn to listen to everyone around them. heartbreaking.
19. i think you get what you give in this life and try to be a good person everyday.
20. i have very long {curly} hair. and change the color every two months.
21. i am brown and eaten alive after the weekend.
21. i am brown and eaten alive after the weekend.
22. trueblood. so much better than twilight.
"live as if everything is a miracle"