A great photograph is one that fully expresses what one feels, in the deepest sense, about what is being photographed. - Ansel Adams

Monday, June 28, 2010

OSU Nutritionists Initiate One Sweet Study


I want to go back to school. I miss the cryptoquotes.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Things I want to remember from my BIG birthday trip....

{I am going to start this off with an important disclaimer: I am on day six of potent pain killers following surgery so I may need to revise at a later date with a clearer mind}

Camping under the stars. Double rainbow in downtown Denver on the day. So many wind turbine "farms". Our campground friend, Steeler Jay. Hail storm starting within seconds on setting up the tent in Black Mesa state park. Eating too much Subway. Finding change on the ground in the most random places in nature. No longer a Western Union virgin. Meeting the kindest people. Freezing the first two nights of camping until I bought a sleeping bag liner and remembered my wool socks. Trying different methods to make the perfect smore. Way too much peeing out in nature. Our traveling mouse from Black Mesa to Buena Vista (I hope you are enjoying your new home little buddy). Campfire dinners. Beautiful aspens. The healthiest people in the world. Downtown Denver. Wearing multiple layers with a jacket and knit hat in June and still freezing. Unbelievable cigarette smell in the rental truck that just wouldn't die. Hiking At Black Mesa. St Elmo. Almost dying at a left turn into WalMart and laughing hysterically while on the phone with Lance ;). Campfire smell in my hair. Amazing bikers on the mountains ( starting at 4 am in Denver to get to the top at noon). Downtown performers. Abandoned buildings at Black Mesa I had seen in photographs before. Farmville water. White water rafters. Using a water pump. Sitting around a campfire before bundling up for bed. Petrified trees. So many latrines that were surprising clean. Sky full of stars. Feeding the chipmunks! Beautiful mountains with snow. Mountain hitchhikers. Marmots. Wild turkeys. Big horns. Deer. Wild horses. Cows, cows and more cows. Prairie dogs. Antelope. Birds, birds and more birds.

I am now a 30 year old kid...

I turned 30 on Thursday, June 10th. To make the inevitable event a little more bearable I climbed to the top of Mount Evans to stand on top of the world.

{as a side note many of my new friends believed me to be no older than 25 until I was ratted out by a pesky nosey-nelly}

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Random facts about me.

1. I was a Girl Scout in elementary school and my mom was one of our leaders. I went to camp every summer and the first year I was old enough to join the outside camping group I lost my mosquito net and woke up with over 100 bites.
2. When I was small I used to think that married actors wore wax lips in kissing scenes because you wouldn't really want to kiss someone other than your husband or wife. I truly believed this with all my heart and was very distraught when I found out otherwise a few years later.
3. When I am starting to get sick one of my eyelids starts to droop a little.
4. I like learning.
5. I danced through my freshman year of college.
6. I am a dietitian. At the time, I didn't know the name of the profession but my senior year of high school I decided I wanted to do something in nutrition. After Basic Nutrition my first year of college I was for sure it was what I wanted to do. However, during my internship I became disheartened when I first learned what was really involved with being a clinical RD. I spent my entire day talking to people about their poo and even witnessed a few flashing grandpas.
7. I still watch cartoons and probably always will.
8. I love everything about autumn (don't think I have said that enough). The smell, the feel of the air, football games, the colors of the world, the start of the holiday season...
9. I want to be a photographer. I love to be able to capture candid moments in person's life.
10. I have cried at every wedding I have been to but one.
11. I gave up red meat for 3+ years while in college but one bite of steak during grad school ended it.
12. I was born in Stillwater. I love Stillwater.
13. I found out Santa and the Tooth Fairy weren't real at the same time and was equally upset.
14. I like cuddling and foot rubs.
15. I am growing tomatoes, cilantro, jalapeno peppers, blackberries and squash in my backyard. I want to grow eggplant, onions, garlic, carrots, watermelon, pumpkins and cantaloupe.
16. I love Spring thunderstorms, especially when sleeping. I don't mind gray, rainy days any time of the year.
17. I like cheesy 80's movies.
18. I read The Shining in 6th grade and was freaked out for weeks but it started my love for all Stephen King novels.
19. I have a broken heart.
20. I like watching shows about dinosaurs, ancient Egypt, living green, the universe, and US history.
21. I have an 80 Mage named Belladora.
22. I started recycling and "greening" my life when I found out my dad had cancer. I felt like it was the only thing I could personally do besides pray.